EAN:9780964343368 Label:Oasis Design Author:Art Ludwig Binding:Paperback | I purchased this book mainly due to the picture of the water urn on the cover Great Book. The plans for it are included2008-09-08 Rating 5. This book has a lot of information regarding water sources and water collection and containment. Recommend for anyone interested in water collection/conservation. I do wish the pictures inside the book were in color (the are all black and white). . I love all those oasis manuals another great book from oasis design. Once again Art Ludwig surprises us with a manual full of info reagarding water catchment and storage2008-02-09 Rating 5. Although I'm working in this field for more than 10 years, I always find something new and interesting in Oasis manuals and ther are a fundamental part of my permaculture-libary This book can help you for how to planning the different water systems in rural and urban areas, the best is how to make ferrocement water tanks Water Storage: Tanks, Cisterns, Aquifers, and Ponds for Domestic Supply, Fire and Emergency Use--Includes How to Make Ferrocemen. 2008-01-04 Rating 4. I Built a 10,000 Gal tank straight out of this book for US$ 1,500 Read the book, Build the tank. This book is well written and complete very excellent detailed book. I feel that after reading this book I can safely capture rainwater and I know all the details to think about when designing our system, specific reasons to place pipes etc in specific places 2007-10-13 Rating 5. . an excellent detailed referrence book and enjoyable read; I read the entire book and enjoyed it. If you are seriously considering to have a rainwater catchment system this is a must read. A do-it-yourself guide to designing, building, and maintaining water tanks, cisterns and ponds, and sustainably managing groundwater storage It will help you with your independent water system, fire protection, and disaster preparedness, at low cost and using principles of ecological design. Includes building instructions for several styles of ferro cement water tanks |
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