Adobe Photoshop CS4 for Photographers: A Professional Image Editor's Guide to the Creative use of Photoshop for the Macintosh and PC

Label:Focal Press
Author:Martin Evening

This is a very complete and thorough text on PS CS4 Too much for me .... In fact it is too complete and too ponderous for me2009-03-21 Rating 3. I tried to go through the entire book and found myself feeling overwhelmed. I gave up about half way through. Perhaps it should be used as a reference text for PS CS4? Or perhaps I am just not capable of understanding all of it. Yes, it could be my problem. Maybe my grade should be 5 stars for completeness and 2 stars for being user friendly. .

I purchased this book and then found that it was written for Macintosh users with PC users being a second thought For Mac Users. If you are new to Photoshop I highly reccomend Adobe's "Classroom in a Book or Scott Kelby's "The Adobe Photoshop CS4 Book for Digital Photographers"2009-03-08 Rating 1. This book should have been titled "Adobe Photoshop CS4 for EXPERIENCED Photoshop Users". .

I've used the Adobe books over the years, taken Adobe-certified instruction and have read the Kelby books Packed with Useful Details, Tips and Examples. None of those sources are on the same level as this book by Martin Evening2009-02-28 Rating 5. This is a big book and it's not casual reading but if you want to learn what's new in CS4 and you also want to learn to do some of the older version tricks you might have missed, this is the item for you. Evening's writing style is straightforward but is detailed when the material merits it and brief when that's all that's needed. I've used Photoshop professionally since the beginning and this is the best how-to I've ever read.

This is superb, detailed book on Photoshop CS4 Changed my color editing strategy. This book has changed my work flow philosophy for color editing2009-02-25 Rating 5. I have used Photoshop for 15 years. Prior to reading the book I had bias to do all color editing in Photoshop largely with levels, curves and vibrancy adjustment layers. Martin makes a convincing case that a Lightroom (Camera Raw) > Photoshop > Lightroom (Camera Raw)color editing work flow is better. Chapter 3 Camera Raw image processing, alone, is worth the price of the book

The book is comprehensive and is rich in new in sites that will benefit the intermediate or advanced Photoshop users. The chapters on extending dynamic range, sharpening and noise reduction and layers, selections and masking are prime examples.

I also strongly recommend Martin Evenin's book on Lightroom 2. The Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 Book: The Complete Guide for Photographers .

Martin Evening is not only a well known and successful photographer, he has a gift in his ability to write a concise, logical, and deeply thorough presentation Three is a Charm. CS4 is a remarkably deep and complex software program and I am a complete novice to this amazing application2009-02-14 Rating 5. Having read Deke McClelland's book on the subject had me wondering if I would ever come to master Adobe CS4. My second book on CS4, Classroom in a Book, did little more to instill confidence in my struggle to obtain a basic understanding of selections, masking, pixel masks, vector masks, alpha channels, paths, layers, adjustment layers and all of the other the tools and panels one has at his disposal within photoshop. After having read these first two books on the subject of CS4, I was feeling like a sailor hopelessly lost at sea. Alas, I spotted an island , and this island is Martin Evening's book, Adobe PHotoshop CS4 for Photographers! Finally, some firm footing under my sea-weary legs from which I began to grasp what CS4 is all about thanks to the author's innate ability to provide comprehensive instruction in a straight forward manner.

Martin Evening starts out with Photoshop fundamentals in chapter one and right away I am able to appreciate not only is the author a master Photoshop user, he is indeed a photographer! After configuring Photoshop in chapter 2, I was off to a great start with Camera Raw image processing in Chapter 3. A wonderful bonus in Chapter 3 is the straight forward explanation how one can go about customizing the Camera Raw output to produce a custom calibration of each individual camera! In other books I have read on the subject of color calibrating one's camera, the authors wrote off such a task as "beyond the scope of this book". Yet Martin Evening had my camera profiled within a mere four pages within his book of over 650!

You heard me correctly, this book has over 650 pages of logical, color-coded chapters taking on the task of explaining to the likes of a beginner like myself sharpening and noise reduction, image editing essentials, black and white, extending dynamic range, image retouching, and then onto what makes photoshop the leader of the pack. . layers, selections, and masking. I have just finished Chapter 10 on essential filters in photo editing and I could not wait any longer to write this review.

I should add, in my conclusion to this review, if one is a beginner, this is the book to read if one is serious about learning what photoshop has to offer to a photographer. However, I am confident that for those who already have a basic understanding of Photoshop, Adobe Photoshop CS4 for Photographers will improve one's basic understanding immensely. Martin Evening hit a home run. .

Martin Evening's Adobe Photoshop for Photographers titles have become classic reference sources for photographers at all skill levels Whether you are an accomplished user or just starting out, the Adobe Photoshop CS4 for Photographers book contains a wealth of practical advice, hints and tips to help you achieve professional-looking results.
Adobe Photoshop CS4 for Photographers begins with an overview of the Photoshop interface and the fundamentals of how to use Photoshop, followed by how to configure and optimize your computer's performance to run the program and then it dives straight into the essentials of Camera Raw image editing

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