The Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity [10th Anniversary Edition]

Label:Jeremy P. Tarcher/Putnam
Author:Julia Cameron

Cameron explains artistic and spiritual ways to express yourself and stay on a path of freedom for your soul Art and recovery. 2009-03-11 Rating 4.

An empowering guide for uncovering creativity that is natural within each of us An Empowering Guide. It helped me get in touch with my own writing skills and creativity which led to writing books2009-02-17 Rating 4. The Artist's Way transforms you into a more creative and spiritual person by not being afraid of one's own inner self. Sustained by Faith: Personal Awakening in God.

I must have felt a bit creative when i picked up this book because it is not the kind I normally look for in a book store I liked it so much I read it twice. Once I started reading however, I was hooked2009-01-26 Rating 4. I liked the fact that the Morning Pages was at the begining of the book, which I immediately started to practice. You do not know relief untill you write three pages of any and everything that is on your mind in the morning. I was worried that I would not stick to it but, I can say that I am now addicted and look forward to writing every morning. That is the immediate reason I was drawn back in. If I got this much value from a single thing out out of this book, imagine what you would get. I can confidently recommend it. .

I had wanted to make a list of the most important books that I had read pertaining to writing Learn How To Write In A Clear And Pronounced Way. Topping the list would be The Artists Way by Julia Cameron2009-01-20 Rating 5. I may not have become a writer at only 30 were it not for the guidance and tools in this practical guide.

After years of teaching writing classes Julia assembled her most effective study tips. One of these was the three page splurge. In this exersize the writer would spit out three pages of writing per day no matter what was in your mind. The purpose was to empty out the chatter from inside your head in order to pave the way for a focused voice. Finding that voice is tantamount to writing in a clear and pronounced way. Another asks the writer to create a timeline of their life in order to better understand where are they coming from and where they are heading. While looking back we witness the roots of our creativity which reveals our need to move forward.

In addition to the exersizes are the quotes from prominent writers, all of which are aimed at bettering the artist's understanding of oneself. Our self-expression is our livelihood, our crafted words create worlds of wonder in which others bathe their imaginations. Julia's book helped me reinforce my identity and start to write with more authority. By 35 I had already penned seven books and I couldn't be happier with my progress.

This is one of the best books ever put together for anyone who wants to be creative A Wonderful Treasure. Doing the workbook and following her plan has changed more in my life than just my creativity2009-01-17 Rating 5. I take better care of myself in all aspects of my life.

I have found balance between work and pleasure which leads me to create a lot more. I learned the difference between living day to day and being in the moment and really experiencing life. My self confidence is higher than it has ever been and it keeps moving in the positive and solid direction. I say go for it, what have you got to lose with so much to learn about yourself but a small amount of time and energy.

You may find yourself writing a great novel or painting a wonderful picture or just being more creative in your life. Since I worked through this book I have developed my own web site, designed three patterns for sewing room decor products to sell and I can tell that is just the beginning of what I am capable of. I hope you will at least check it out from the library and have a look. Jnetti.

The Artist's Way is the seminal book on the subject of creativity An international bestseller, millions of readers have found it to be an invaluable guide to living the artist's life. Still as vital today-or perhaps even more so-than it was when it was first published one decade ago, it is a powerfully provocative and inspiring work

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