EAN:9781582975498 Label:Writers Digest Books Author:Alice Pope Binding:Paperback | The Children's Writer's and Illustrator's Market is an industry standard for both the beginniner and professional Necessary Tools. I have made many contacts and learned valuable tips that have helped my career from the pages of this book2008-12-13 Rating 5. I get my updated version through Amazon every year. This is a really great book full of a ton of helpful advice Great Reference!!. I really like to write and people have been telling me for years that I should try to publish the kids' books I write for my sister2008-10-24 Rating 5. The Scholastic website recommended this book and I'm so glad I got it because I had no idea all the different elements there were to consider when publishing a book! The only thing is that after I read this book I felt a little depressed at the prospect of getting my book published. This book definitely doesn't give you false hopes, LOL!! But at least they present a realistic view. Some good articles, especially regarding things like query letters, and of course, the listings that make researching much easier Children's Writer's & Illustrator's Market 2009. 2008-10-02 Rating 4. A "must have" thorough book of guidance for any writer and illustrator Children's Writer's & Illustrator's Market. Very well done2008-09-22 Rating 5. If your efforts are directed to selling your work, buy this book. I am a publisher author and illustrator, and I know first hand that this book works! How? Because it helped me to get where I am today! I have writers and illustrators asking me all the time how to get published, and I always direct them to this book The Best Guide out there!. If you are a serious writer or illustrator, you NEED this book - not only does it have the names and addresses of countless publishers, it also has invaluable tips, and how-to's on everything from writing a query letter, to website design2008-09-16 Rating 5. I buy it every year, even though I no longer need it. I've purchased other "How to get published books" in the past, and none of them hold a candle to this one! Stop thinking about it and buy it!. Children's Writer's and Illustrator's Market is the top market guide--the bible--for children's writers and illustrators seeking publication The 2009 edition of this stalward companion offers readers more than 650 listings for book publishers, magazines, agents, art reps and more. Completely updated, it also contains exclusive interviews with and articles by well-respected and award-winning authors, illustrators, and publishing professionals as well as nuts-and-bolts how-to information |
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