EAN:9780262062664 Label:The MIT Press Author:Matthew Frederick Binding:Hardcover | I am not an architect, but interested in design and in the appreciation of architecture Short and Sweet. I had hoped to find in this book a repository of design wisdom that I could use in thinking about constructed space2009-03-23 Rating 4. Conseeding to the fact that I am an architecture freak, and find myself reading on architecture all the time Is It This Easy to Teach?. I often get lost in my own thoughts in architecture and design books because the text often gets overblown with points and explanations that are not needed (dare I say, for decoration and the authors ego)2009-03-09 Rating 5. This book is a nugget of information, the aspects of this career most professors in architecture and design school overlook or fail to inform you a little pricey gem.... It's just may come in handy when you are at an impasse 3 a2009-02-27 Rating 4. m. /. . . I have been in the technical realm of the architectural profession so long that it has been a while since I contemplated the other aspects of the profession Reminded me of what I liked about Architecture. It was nice to read a book that was short on pretension and big on the stuff that interested me in Architecture in the first place2009-02-18 Rating 5. This book is a quick read that covers everything from theory to design philosophy to practical application of ideas. Been a long time since I heard someone use the word "Parti" and not want to roll my eyes. This was a fun read and rekindled my love of the profession. Thank you. . I bought this as a gift for someone 101 Things I Learned in Architure School. I flipped through the book before I wrapped it, and wish I had ordered one for myself2009-01-06 Rating 4. It is a very small book - about 4" X 6". 2008 Silver Award Winner, Architecture Category, Independent Publisher Book Awards and Winning entry, General Trade Illustrated Category, in the 2008 New England Book Show sponsored by Bookbuilders of Boston. |
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