101 Things I Learned in Architecture School

Label:The MIT Press
Author:Matthew Frederick

I am not an architect, but interested in design and in the appreciation of architecture Short and Sweet. I had hoped to find in this book a repository of design wisdom that I could use in thinking about constructed space2009-03-23 Rating 4.

Frederick condenses basic architectural advice into 101 morsels with appropriate illustrations. The morsels are ordered in as logical a sequence as could be expected from their disparate content, and are varied in nature: from instructions to aphorisms, different forms convey different viewpoints and different levels of certainty. Frederick underlines the certainty of good architectural lettering, but shows the creative tension inherent in architecture by juxtaposing "less is more" with "less is a bore. "

All in all, it's a quick, enjoyable read, and I feel a bit wiser after the fact. I preferred Rasmussen's "Experiencing Architecture" for its depth, but this one's a great practical primer. .

Conseeding to the fact that I am an architecture freak, and find myself reading on architecture all the time Is It This Easy to Teach?. I often get lost in my own thoughts in architecture and design books because the text often gets overblown with points and explanations that are not needed (dare I say, for decoration and the authors ego)2009-03-09 Rating 5.

But not this book. This is the coolest precise book on architecture I have ever seen and makes the task of putting my application portfolio for arch school ten times easier than most other (much longer) arch books out there.

Its not just 101 great tips but an easy and fast read and cheap, no reason not to get it!!!.

This book is a nugget of information, the aspects of this career most professors in architecture and design school overlook or fail to inform you a little pricey gem.... It's just may come in handy when you are at an impasse 3 a2009-02-27 Rating 4. m. /. . .

I have been in the technical realm of the architectural profession so long that it has been a while since I contemplated the other aspects of the profession Reminded me of what I liked about Architecture. It was nice to read a book that was short on pretension and big on the stuff that interested me in Architecture in the first place2009-02-18 Rating 5. This book is a quick read that covers everything from theory to design philosophy to practical application of ideas. Been a long time since I heard someone use the word "Parti" and not want to roll my eyes. This was a fun read and rekindled my love of the profession. Thank you. .

I bought this as a gift for someone 101 Things I Learned in Architure School. I flipped through the book before I wrapped it, and wish I had ordered one for myself2009-01-06 Rating 4. It is a very small book - about 4" X 6".

2008 Silver Award Winner, Architecture Category, Independent Publisher Book Awards and Winning entry, General Trade Illustrated Category, in the 2008 New England Book Show sponsored by Bookbuilders of Boston.

This is a book that students of architecture will want to keep in the studio and in their backpacks

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