Digital SLR Cameras & Photography For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech))

Label:For Dummies
Author:David D. Busch

The book has the basics of what you need to decide on which DSLR you want Good but..... 2009-02-15 Rating 3. and even some idea about which lenses to buy. . it is a good book.

The book is good for understanding the basics. . but.

-it is repetitive and doesn't have enough concise content

-the author seems to be a bit old school. I can't trust him to cover everything in the current environment

-put me to sleep many times.

I'm pretty much new to the DSLR world, in fact, after reading this book I realized I didn't really know much at all about cameras in general Good book for the beginner DSLR user. This book gave me a great introduction into how DSLR's work, all the proper terms I should know, and showed techniques on improving my photography2009-01-29 Rating 4.

I could see how this book can kind of drag on for the more experienced photographers, since it does go over a lot of topics. But as a newbie to this area, I greatly appreciated all the information.

Some other things: The author does seem to go out of his way to say that DSLR's are vastly superior to Point and Shoot's. Yes, I get it, DSLR's take a greater quality picture and also gives you more control; however, a DSLR won't fit in your pants pocket.

Also, I wish I read this book BEFORE I bought my camera as the beginning of the book tells you what to look for when buying a camera. So if you haven't purchased your first DSLR and are new to serious photography, I would have to say to buy this book before you choose a camera.

Some of the things I liked:

An explanation of all the lens and other accessories that might be useful to you.

All the advice on shooting. . pictures.

The author's serious but not too serious tone. He also offered a realistic perspective on what to do in certain situations.

Post-processing advice.

A very disappointing and useless book Not for Beginners. 2009-01-04 Rating 2. Please dont waste your money on this book. It will teach you nothing about cameras or photography. This may have been the worst book I ever purchased, double period.

Having recently gotten my first digital SLR, I thought "Digital SLR Cameras and Photography for Dummies" would be perfect for teaching me the basics of the digital SLR camera Digital SLR Cameras & Photography. I was right2008-12-29 Rating 5.

For those familiar with the "Dummies" series of books, the layout of "Digital SLR Cameras and Photography for Dummies" (I'll just call it the "book" from here on as the title is a bit long) will be very familiar. Useful tips and other notes can be found in the margins for quick reference. Even the ever-popular cheat sheet is included inside the front cover.

What I like about this book is that it covers everything from what the acronym "SLR" stands for (single lens reflex) to chromatic aberration (a discoloring issue). The digital SLR provides more creative freedom than a point-and-shoot camera does, and the book tells you exactly how to take advantage of these freedoms.

It would seem difficult to write a useful book about digital SLRs, since there are several models and brands out there. The book avoids this issue by discussing the functions of digital SLRs, which are pretty much the same across the board, and not necessarily which button does what. Although there is some of that too. Whether you're a Canon person or a Nikon person or other, you'll get the point.

A book with the word "Photography" in the title would seem to imply that there are plenty of photos inside, and that is true of this book. They are usefully tied to the concepts that the book discusses. When exposure is discussed, photos showing under, over and just-right exposure help explain what the text is saying.

This book is not just for digital SLR newbies. Many people that have digital SLRs may only use a fraction of the features that their cameras offer. For those folks, this book can open up more ways for them to use their cameras. For newbies, the benefits of reading this book are obvious.

I'm a fan of the "Dummies" books (which perhaps says something about me) and "Digital SLR Cameras and Photography" for Dummies did not disappoint. It is a must-read for anyone that is considering buying a digital SLR as well as new owners. All but the most experienced digital SLR users will find some benefit to reading "Digital SLR Cameras and Photography for Dummies. ".

Digital SLR Cameras & Photography For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech))

is well designed to teach amatuers like me on the different features of an SLR camera Digital SLR Cameras & Photography for Dummies. I have had my Nikon D50 for 2 years and get very good results,but still need to learn so much more2008-10-17 Rating 5. That is the reason for buying the Dummies book. . to remember all the ins and outs of lenses, f stops, ISO's and so much more I can turn to my copy of the dummies book to look up the information I need.

Understanding exactly how a digital SLR (dSLR) works can help you use its exciting capabilities to their fullest potential Whether you aim to become a serious photo hobbyist, are interested in turning pro, or want to take advantage of the improved control that dSLRs give you over your photography, this fun and friendly reference will show you how to maximize everything a dSLR has to offer so that you can improve your photography skills, increase your picture-taking and image-editing knowledge, and ultimately, take better photos.

Written with just the right balance of technology and techniques in mind, this guide provides you with the know-how on everything from getting acquainted with the basic key features of the technology (lenses, sensors and image processors, and exposure and focusing systems) to the nuances of various dSLR techniques (setting up speedy continuous-shooting burst modes to capture fast action, applying selective and sharp focus, and shooting under the lowest levels of light)

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