Non-Designer's Design Book, The (3rd Edition) (Non Designer's Design Book)

Label:Peachpit Press
Author:Robin Williams

This is an excellent book for beginning designers Very informative!. It is very easy to follow and makes wonderful sense2009-02-25 Rating 5. I was able to take my current documents and make them easier to read, understand and more eye catching. .

Its alright meh.. My graphic design prof recommended this for our class2009-02-22 Rating 2. Its not a bad book but its not all it could be. I would recommend looking around.

This book is on my 10 list of books to read A different perspective . I was thrilled, not only to find such a book but also to see that it's in it's 3rd edition and has so many positive reviews2009-02-21 Rating 1.

I'm a graphic designer with over 15 years experience both freelancing and working full-time in various industries. And I'm a firm believer that you don't have to be a artist to be a graphic designer. In fact I've focused a lot of my attention on helping people who may be artistically challenged, and show them they can design too. So this book is right up my ally. I'm definitely going to make this book available on my website just as soon as I read it. ;)

This book is extremely simple, very clear, quick and easy to read and understand, and fabulously useful Font of wisdom.... Anyone can pick it up and go through it in an afternoon, then immediately put its advice to good use2009-02-10 Rating 5. Highly recommended to all, including technical professionals who can practice some of its advice in their graphs, figures, reports, and presentations.

I manage my small business and design our printed documents, but I never had any formal training in this area Good practical book on design. This book filled this gap in my education by teaching me some design theory in a fun and easy way, illustrated with clear examples2009-02-06 Rating 5. It is not all-encompassing but helps structuring one's thoughts on what constitutes a good design (incidentally, that is the stated goal of the author). My documents look way better now, on par with most profesionally designed ones. I recommend spending some time on picking a quality font outside of the MS Office collection, it makes a big difference in the end.

A lot has happened in the world of digital design since the first edition of this title was published, but one thing remains true: There is an ever-growing number of people attempting to design pages with no formal training This book is the one place they can turn to find quick, non-intimidating, excellent design help from trusted design instructor Robin Williams. This revised classic--now in full color--includes a new section on the hot topic of Color itself

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