Maus I: A Survivor's Tale: My Father Bleeds History

Author:Art Spiegelman

A moving story that is a wonderful mesh of literature and graphic art Maus. 'Maus' recounts the story of an Auschwitz survivor, presenting it in a very unique way with the Jews as mice and the Nazi's as cats (Poles, English and American are also different animals)2009-03-20 Rating 4.

Well worth the read, accessible to various age levels. .

As an educator, I find this graphic novel incredibly useful both as a tool to help my students comprehend the atrocities of the Holocaust and as a hook to encourage reading outside the classroom Maus: An Educational Tool and a Great Read. This tale of Vladek Spiegelman, told through the artistic renderings of his son Art, provides a gripping and tragic allegory in which animals are used to represent the different groups involved2009-03-17 Rating 4. The Jews are drawn as mice, the Nazis cats, the Poles pigs, and the Americans dogs. The potential symbolism of this artistic choice alone provides for great classroom discussion and individual thought without even addressing the amazing tale of survival, friendship, and historical significance that Spiegelman conveys.

Another critical point to address is the constant notion of voice that is present throughout this work. Regularly, Spiegelman interrupts the story to move back to panels that include his father, the Spiegelman household, and the often painful relationship between father and son that occur post-Holocaust. Spiegelman provides the reader with visuals that express the idea that one often forgets in the midst of so many staggering death statistics: Once people survived the Holocaust, they had to live with it in their daily lives. We see how difficult it is for Vladek to discuss certain points and how heart-wrenching it must have been to communicate others. The rift that occur between father and son is gradually lessened throughout the novel, but is realistically portrayed: families are ideal, they have problems. This continual inclusion of post-Holocaust Vladek and his life really provides a reality check for the reader and makes this work even more powerful.

Overall, I have used this novel as a supplement to Wiesel's Night and as an independent class assignment and have found great success with it. However, I have been a teacher for 3 years and a reader for many many more, and I think this book has merit outside the classroom as well. I would highly recommend it to anyone interested in a great story. .

Such a powerful story Powerful Book. It's weird because at first you think, "How can they possibly make a serious story using mice and cats and other animals?" But before you're halfway through, you can help but feel compassion for the people in the story2009-03-16 Rating 5. A really powerful read.

I never knew what the jews genocide suffered through the Holocaust WOW!!!. this book breaks it down2009-03-02 Rating 5. You need to read it. its graphic, shows you the pictures that you actually amagine. you'll never look at the holocaust the same way. WOW!!!.

I've read this book, it is amazing Maus is amazing, but how did I get here from Rhetoric?. If you like graphic novels that may change your life or way of seeing the world just go ahead and click buy2009-02-20 Rating 5.

How did I get here though, one step away from Rhetoric? I think we are seeing an algorithm jam! Get out on the river and clear this mess up! .

A story of a Jewish survivor of Hitler's Europe and his son, a cartoonist who tries to come to terms with his father's story and history itself .

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