The Hot Shoe Diaries: Big Light from Small Flashes (Voices That Matter)

Label:New Riders Press
Manufacturer:New Riders Press

Anyone who has followed modern photography has heard of Joe McNally. A Discursive Wonder. A proven and inspired shooter, McNally has recently become one of our most knowledgeable and entertaining teachers2009-03-19 Rating 5. His new book, The Hot Shoe Diaries, confirms the importance of his role as sensei of portable lighting. McNally's lighting kit; containing about a dozen Speedlights, is laid out on pages 6 and 7 of the book - right up front - confirming that this is a technically oriented piece on practical lighting using small hand held flashes. In his signature self-deprecating way, McNally points out that his book is not a manual, and instead *discursive* is the word he uses to define his approach. High energy, boundless enthusiasm, indulging instanteous inspiration: check, check, and check - it's all in there - but a textbook? - not so much. Rather, McNally shares a series of vignettes; which are here brief, technical accounts of a particular lighting challenge, each one adding either a unique new perspective or reinforcing an earlier lesson. Although the book is structured around the use of the Nikon Creative Lighting System, the vast majority of the lessons are completely general, and will be of central interest to anyone interested in learning how to use artificial light in the real world. Highly recommended.


'Hot Shoe Diaries' is pure McNally and the best book I've ever read on flash photography. The Gateway To Understanding Flash Photography. Two words: "buy it2009-03-18 Rating 5. "


Joe McNally's photo secrets were kicked out of the closet by the skeletons a long time ago. That's great news for those of us who have become infatuated (and infuriated) with the use of small flash units. Joe's latest book 'The Hot Shoe Diaries' is an exposé that tells all. There's never been a book on flash photography that covers the subject so thoroughly, so beautifully and so humorously. I'm certain that 'HSD' will reign as the undisputed champion on flash photography for a long time.

The first thing to know about 'HSD' is that even Joe has a hard time taking himself seriously. Joe repeatedly demonstrates his understanding of where he stands in the universe by filling 'HSD' with memorable photos - such as the self-portrait where he uses a chicken as a lightstand. Joe's humor is what sets 'HSD' apart from other photo books. It is what protects us from mind-numbing concepts, such as the "Inverse Square Law" (when did Congress pass that one anyway?).

Joe starts with the basics: gear, the fundamentals of digital photography and simple flash. He moves on to talk about one light shots. And two light shots. And lots-a-lights shots. He talks about where to put the lights and what to put between the lights and the subject. He shares a lifetime of stories. He inspires and encourages. Like I said, "pure McNally. "

As with his first book, 'The Moment It Clicks', Joe fills the covers of 'HSD' with amazing and beautiful photos. These are the heart of 'HSD. ' It's one thing to talk about flash photography. It's entirely another to demonstrate it again and again with stunning images. [Thanks also to the book designer who ran a good number of photos as double-trucks, aka: two-page spreads. ]

'HSD' is for photographers of all levels - novice to expert. If you read 'Clicks' and were among the few disappointed because it wasn't a "how-to" book with lighting diagrams and such, 'HSD' is the book you were looking for. Plan on reading it again and again. I guarantee that every time you do, you'll pick up something new.

SPECIAL NOTE To Non-Nikon Shooters - 'HSD' Is Non-Denominational

It's no secret that Joe is a Nikon guy. Nikon terminology is used throughout the book. If you shoot something other than Nikon, think of it like an American talking to a Brit [if "elevator" = "lift", then "Auto FP" = "High-Speed Sync" and "Rear Curtain" = "2nd Curtain"]. Does this mean that 'HSD' is Nikon-specific? Absolutely not. As a lifelong Canon shooter, I've no hesitation in recommending this book to shooters of all denominations. The ideas and illustrations are universal.


Yesterday I just finished an intensive hands on, real, on set, training workshop with Joe and models on a windy rocky beach and it was worth every penny. Hot shoe diaries is HOT. I asked him if his brand new book, "Hot Shoe Dairies" he'd mentioned was a "how to" book and he said it was a few hundred pages of exactly what we worked on only more in depth and the result of years of mastering the small portable flash2009-03-16 Rating 5. So if the book is even half of what we learned it is worth twice the price. The Nikon creative lighting system is amazing and has NO EQUAL. I will order as soon as I finish this. Jock Goodman .

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